I have a 9 to 5 office job that has contributed to my ever growing collection of slacks. With that said, I'm always looking for ways to reinvent the pants that I currently own in my closet so that I can wear it outside of the office to make the most of it.
In general I usually like to mix more casual pieces with more dressier ones. It creates a very simple, yet chic balance. In this look I tucked a plain, white v-neck tank top into a pair of black cropped pants. I decided not to over-accessorize (yes, there is such a thing) and skipped out on the bracelets and belt. The focus should be on the transition from white to black; none of the fluff needed or wanted. The on-trend black choker created a nice pop of separation from my white top and my very pale skin (hey, no shame!) and helped tied the entire look together. Lastly, I added a little pizzazz with the studded snake skinned pump. We can always use a little more pizzazz in our daily lives.
Yours Truly,